HSL Gold Sponsors


For any questions or concerns around COVID-19, or to let us know about a player absence due to illness, please email us at covid@hockeystl.com


Vaccination Passport (PDF)
Consent and Vaccine Passport (PDF)
Questions and Answers (PDF)


Hockey Québec has designed the following Intervention Guide in order to establish the guidelines to follow should a member contract COVID-19 or present symptoms during an activity. A summarized version is presented below:

Responsibilities of the individuals in charge of COVID

  • Ensure that the measures of the guide are implemented and followed;
  • May need to be communicated with the region and Hockey Quebec;
  • Direct communication with participants and/or parents;
  • Work with the infrastructure managers to make sure applicable social distancing and health rules are implemented and followed;
  • Keep a registry of participants’ attendance at each activity;
  • Ensure the confidentiality of all files related to COVID-19;
  • INTERVENTION GUIDELINES measures are implemented should a member contract the virus or present symptoms.


  • Immediately informs the team’s personnel or the individuals in charge of COVID-19 health/safety.
  • Receives a cloth mask and immediately puts it on. Whoever is taking care of the participant must also wear a cloth mask.
  • The individual in charge of COVID-19 health/safety isolates the participant in a separate room* until their parent or chaperone can take over and immediately take them away from the premises. An incident report must be filled out.
  • Must contact a doctor and call the public health line (1 877 644 4545). The isolation guidelines provided by public health authorities must be followed.
  • When the association/organization is informed that a participant has tested positive or has been identified as likely infected with COVID-19, and if this participant has taken part in an activity, the mandatory responsibility of advising all participants that were present during the activity and all those that could have come in contact with the infected participant belongs to the individuals in charge of COVID-19 health/safety. The information can be communicated by email or phone.
  • COVID 19 Positive- The participant and any other person from their household must immediately be removed from the hockey environment.
  • All those that have been in contact with a person that has tested positive or has been identified as likely infected with COVID-19 must stay in preventative isolation for 14 days, as recommended by public health guidelines.
  • Before reintegrating participants in activities, the association/organization must receive a medical certificate certifying that they are fit to return to the game.


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