HSL Gold Sponsors


Coaching Overview

Hockey Quebec coach's guide download


Coach - Manager meeting 2021

Coaching can be one of the most rewarding and fulfilling experiences for adults in minor hockey. Hockey Saint-Laurent is constantly on the lookout for new and experienced coaches to join our team of coaches at every level. Coaches need not be parents and, in fact, we strongly encourage non-parents to join the Association. Anyone who knows of potential candidates is asked to contact the Director of coaches directeur.entraineur@hockeystl.com.

The initial application process and selection of coaches takes place during the summer months and into early September.  Please do not delay in pursuing these positions, as there is much preparation and development work that is better started before the start of the season.

To apply to coach with the Hockey Saint-Laurent, please complete the online Coaching Application here. Applications are required for new and returning coaches.

If you have any questions, please contact our Director of coaches at directeur.entraineur@hockeystl.com.

Coaching Responsibilities:

Duties include but are not limited to:

  • Involvement in player evaluation and selection
  • Implementing seasonal development and progression plans
  • Planning and conducting practices and any other additional skill development sessions
  • Coaching league, tournament and exhibition games
  • Planning and implementing pre­-game player preparation and communication and post-game follow-up
  • Supervising players and ensuring compliance with Team/Association rules during all team events
  • Liaising with Association, parents and Team Manager and other team officials in coordinating season

Coaching Overview

Coaches require the following minimal qualifications, courses or certifications to be a Hockey Saint-Laurent coach – which includes being on the ice, in the dressing rooms, and on the bench. These qualifications must be completed before the start of the season:

  • Criminal Background Check
  • Respect in Sport (RIS)
  • Concussion Awareness Training Tool (CATT)
  • Fair Play Code of Conduct
  • Coach 1 or equivalent: coaching a team below Atom divisions (M7 or M9)
  • Coach 2: coaching a non-carded/house level team at the M11 and above divisions
  • Development 1: coaching a carded team (M13 and above) that will not be participating in Regional or National Championships
  • Performance 1: coaching a carded team (PeeWee and above) competing in Regional or National Championships

Please see links for these qualification posted below. For any questions regarding these elements, please speak to the Director of Coaches.

New for 2021 is the HU - Planning a Safe Return to Hockey which can be done through HCR.

Latest News

Mise à jour de la liste des dates importantes / Updated List of Important dates

By Hockey Saint-Laurent | December 12, 2022 |

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Dates importantes /Important dates

By Hockey Saint-Laurent | October 20, 2022 |

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Mise à jour de la règle des jouer affilée / Updated Call-Up Rule

By Hockey Saint-Laurent | October 19, 2022 |

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Procédure de téléchargement des résultats / Score upload procedure

By Hockey Saint-Laurent | October 19, 2022 |

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Season start and additional information

By Hockey Saint-Laurent | September 8, 2022 |

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By Hockey Saint-Laurent | July 29, 2022 |

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By Hockey Saint-Laurent | July 26, 2022 |

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By Hockey Saint-Laurent | June 21, 2022 |

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PeeWee Tournament Game 1 Win!

By Hockey Saint-Laurent | May 10, 2022 |

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