HSL Gold Sponsors

Saint-Laurent - Background and Heritage

As you know the logo of the city is :

This emblem was adopted in 1976, and is representative of the City.  It depicts the tree of life, a flower in bloom and a person with open arms – in essence, three synchronized spheres that enhance the municipality's ethnic diversity, the main three at the time being French, English and Jewish. Finally, the emblem’s rounded shape expresses the fact that Saint-Laurent has always occupied a geographically central position within the Greater Montréal area and shows that its territory is at the crossroads of the Montréal community. This logo exist todays as it is incorporated into the current one that was adopted on conglomeration.

The color is important as we associate orange with high energy and with a vibrant social environment. Orange is an active color, so we respond to it with heightened emotions, increased activity, and sharper awareness of our surroundings. We think of orange as saucy, vibrant, and fun. Even the metro line that goes through Saint Laurent is orange.

One of the main industries in Ville Saint-Laurent, if not the main, has been the aerospace industry. In 1942, Vickers built a large plant for the manufacture of aircraft and specialized air transport products. The maiden flight of the first Catalina which was fully constructed in Saint-Laurent, took place in 1943. During World War II, the plant employed between 8,000 and 10,000 workers. After changing its name to Canadair in 1944, the company became the hub around which the powerful Saint-Laurent aerospace industry was built.

In 1986, Canadair was acquired by the Bombardier Group to become Bombardier Aerospace. The latter is the Canada's biggest commercial aircraft manufacturer and is ranked third in the world. With a workforce of 3,225, it is one of the borough's leading employers.  The other two major aerospace companies are Allied Signal Aerospace Canada Inc. (formerly Aviation Electric) and CAE Électronique inc., the renowned flight simulator manufacturer that began operations in Saint-Laurent in 1947.

A quick look at the history of hockey in Saint Laurent shows teams that have aligned themselves with some sort of aerospace theme.

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