HSL 2020 AGA
We will be holding our annual AGA meeting on Tuesday August 11th, 2020 at 7pm online.
You will need to register for the meeting by filling in this form, here.
The following positions are up for election this year:
- President – 2 year term
- Registrar – 2 year term
- Director of Coaches – 2 year term
- Director U7/U9 (formerly Director Pre-Novice/Novice) – 2 year term
- Secretary – 2 year term
There will also be a motion to add two (2) additional positions to the board:
- Assistant Registrar – 1 year term
- Equipment Manager – 2 year term
Descriptions for each position can be found on the website under Resources -> AGA.
To run for any of these positions, you can submit your candidacy here.
Thank you